Sunday, 22 August 2010

It doesn't end with the wedding

We've just spent nearly three hours looking at our wedding pictures, picking out which ones we will consider for entry into the album. And this wasn't even the first run-through. We've both done preliminary explorations of the 1500 pictures (1500!).

Ever heard of 'too much of a good thing'?

The thing is that our photographer is also a teacher, and he'd quite like to get the whole thing sorted before he goes back to school on September 1st. He's the lucky one who just had 6 weeks off to play with photographs!
We are lucky though, there are lots of lovely photographs of almost all of the people who are important to us, sharing our celebration.

Monday, 9 August 2010

not an in-depth update this evening. I need to keep moving so I get-things-done. If I stay still too long I really might fall back to sleep. The bedroom is totally off limits, because the bed is there, soft and cosy and calling to me.

This morning I had full blown monday-itis. Everything seemed to take far too much effort, and the bed was calling. Being in Liverpool for work meant I couldn't hear it any more, but now I'm home again the thought of crawling back in is in my mind again.

Wish me luck - I need to iron, tidy, wash up, make lunch for tomorrow, sort out my internet banking - so I feel sane and in control of life again. And then I may sleep.

Monday, 2 August 2010

We've ordered our new kitchen and bathroom. This is exciting, but leaves me desperately trying to resist the urge to take a sledge hammer to the old ones. I am very much a 'do-now' kind of girl. So it's a good job that it's actually quite tricky to rip out cupboards that have been built in since approximately 1950!

Many boxes of new things arrive a week on Saturday, so that is when the fun will begin.

For now I am giving in to my 'do-now' nature and drafting the new training package we need to develop for work, as I know I 'won't be feeling it' by the time I get chance to concentrate on it in work time. The curse of a mildly creative nature (I can use the time I 'earn' to take a flexi Friday afternoon off!).