Wednesday, 6 January 2010

String and snow

people (well, person..hi Rach!) get the award ready... I have mastered crochet! it's taken me 26 years and several very failed attempts but I can now make chain stitch *victory dances* it's going to be quite a while before I transfer this new found skill into hats and things though. Unfortunately anything more than chain stitch turns the wool into the aftermath of a kitten attack.

In other news it is still snowy, and the 'news' has turned into an extended weather report. I'm scared to try and get into work because of the icy roads and scary images in my head of spinning and sliding and gliding straight into oncoming articulated lorries (thank you bbc news). I was working up the courage to try and get in for 9am tomorrow as I have a full clinic booked when one of my friends (who works in the adjacent town - about three streets away) basically warned me off. Apparently she got a lift into work because she couldn't get out of her street, her office was shut at lunch time and all appointments cancelled, then she crept home and it was scary.

Of course it's highly likely that no-one will turn up anyway, because there are no buses in town, and sensible people are staying at home. But what will my boss say?(if she, or anyone else is even there) and the all-knowing-weather-people are predicting that there will be no thaw for at least a week. I can's stay at home forever, I have no child as an excuse. (Explanation; in English employment law you have the right to stay off work with pay and no negative implication to care for dependants. If you have no dependants the legal position is basically get your skis out and get on in, so I'm starting to worry that I'll have to repay the hours or take a pay cut - not sure that's fair).

So crochet celebration and work related snow worries. A mixed, but good enough day so far and an evening of knot making ahead of me. A hat is not beyond me, eventually.

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