Sunday, 30 January 2011

Sunday wanderings

We've been up to Pennington flash again today for a wander around and to see if we could spot a few birds.

Hubster bought himself binoculars with his birthday money, and it seemed wise to take him to a place where its socially acceptable to peer through them before the neighbours started to worry (so glad no one lives opposite us).
In the end we spotted about twenty different birds, including some male and female Goosanders, Cormorants, long tailed tits, Teals and shovelers. It felt kind of like a treasure hunt, and I got *very* excited about spotting new species. Also, have you ever watched a swan walking on ice? Greatly entertaining.

So now tea (i am drinking the earl) and clutter clearing (so.much.stuff!)

Hope you've all enjoyed your Sundays so far. What have you been up to?

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Things I Love Thursday

It's time to Tilt!

This week I am loving (so far)

  • Fog-hard to drive in but pretty to look at

  • Knowing its only 1 day until the great girly meet up

  • Morning smoothies...thanks Rach!

  • Yoga, Wii fit style (so not really real, but still stretchy)

  • The king's speech - it's excellent

  • My new jeans&jacket combo (better than it sounds I promise)

  • The Ski Sunday theme, and sharing it with my family (du du duh du du duh, du du duh duh etc)

  • Glee dentist - the whole episode, but especially Britney's classic quotations...did you know that dolphins are just gay sharks?

  • My new dentist-clean bill of dental health, no tension headache...yay!

  • Scrubs - medical comedy greatness

What's been making your week lovely?

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Thank you

Lovely knittynat...

I *do* like coconut ice, especially when its waiting for me after the first day back in work.

Monday, 3 January 2011

So, 2010...

A little later than most, but I suppose that means more time for reflection. I've gotten to the point where I'm more excited about getting on with our plans for this year than I am about looking back. So very briefly;

What went well in 2010:
Making this house a home. Getting it to start with, getting in, ripping off migraine-inducing wall paper, tearing out fitted cupboards, admitting that plumbing/plastering/electrics needs more than enthusiasm and paying for experts!

Getting married. We both turned up and remembered our lines! Thankfully a lot of other people who mean a lot to both of us did as well.

Meeting up with dear friends. A habit I intend to continue, and increase.

Being 'healthy', until December at least. Making it to a couple of classes a week and eating a proper lunch helped me feel more alive.

So...plans for the garden.

No pics tonight-because its dark out. Basically atm the back garden is a square of lawn with a path down the middle and surrounded by over grown ex-flower beds.

The long-term aim is a delightful combination of form and function. Cottage garden type flowers (pretty, smell nice) mixed with vegetables and fruit trees (taste nice), with a hen house at the end (hubster's part of the dream)

There are many steps on this drying green to cottage utopia journey. The first few of these, that will happen this summer, include
Chop down fir-type trees (big, thirsty, unproductive)
Build&plant herb garden outside backdoor
Plant raspberry canes along the fence
Grow rocket, Radishes and cherry tomatoes

Inside the house plans include:
Get new bathroom fitted
Double glaze front Windows
Decorate living room
Finish off kitchen
(invent printing press)

Personal aims (not reactionary resolutions, I promise) I'll share once life is back to normal. Something which starts tomorrow with an alarm at 6:15. I've psyched myself up for it (i think) though it would helpful to find what the spoonful of sugar could be *before* I have to take the medicine. Night night!