Sunday, 24 October 2010

still kitchen-less

but enjoying a beautiful sunny autumn day. Though atm I'm sitting in the small bedroom - because it feels like the only sane place in the house. The kitchen does not exist. The dining room is pretneding to be a kitchen, and also has a sofa in it. Our bedroom is somewhere under several piles of clothes, and the junk room is called that for a reason.

However, yeterday I spent a chunk of time really really sorting out the small bedroom, and it is now lovely and tidy and accessorised. The first finished room in the house.

It makes me feel calm and happy to sit in it. I don't have to be doing anything, I can just sit and look and be. Be content. And ignore the rest of the house.

Outside the sun is shining, although it is mighty cold. There are pheasants grazing on the winter crop in the field (ten of them!) and the occasional wood pigeon flapping past. With the mixtureof green, red, gold on the trees against the blue skies its a satisfying view.

Not much else to do today (ignoring the whole house) until we go to Hubster's cousin's house for his birthday gathering. (loving the new nickname suggestion for him post-wedding, thank you clever friend)We were lazy last night as well, internet wanderings and TV watching and pure chillage. I think we've both needed it, i definately throughoughly enjoyed it.

1 comment:

  1. Hurrah for a finished, perfect, still-and-chill-out-in-it room! Hope the birthday gathering is fun :) xxx
