Over Christmas I've changed my eating, and drinking, and sleeping and moving habits quite a lot. Some (no surprises) have increased, others have decreased.

(if one celebration is a bite of a regular bar basic maths suggests I have eaten 7mars bars, 4snickers, at least 12 milky ways and a huge, cinema sized bar of galaxy)
Tuesday I didn't leave the house at all, not even to put rubbish out or feed the birds. It's been lovely, and cosy, and relaxing; the kind of space rarely found in my busily modern do-it-all life. Now the freaky dreams have started (waiting two hours whilst my old music teacher loads an elf train onto the school bus and I can't ring for a lift home because the school's 'beautiful people' have my phone charger?!) a clear sign its time for fruit, water (that hasn't been turned into wine) and to actually leave the house and do exercise (I know, its a day early to be talking about this).
I'm not planning 'resolutions'. Many many years ago my resolution was not to make resolutions any more, and its the only one I've ever kept. The creative dreaming is a wake up call that its time to get back to normal. Like the lovely March sisters I need structure, I revel in it. I love to plan and organise, in fact it does me good to practice going with the flow for a while. But "you gotta have a plan" so this morning I got up, had a healthy breakfast, did some house work and am now being productive (yes, blogging counts). Hopefully it'll be enough to make the dreams stop.
Bandwaggony post about 2010/2011 to come, in which I break down the five year plan (garden, not world domination, worry not). Bet you're wondering already, there'll be pictures!

(if one celebration is a bite of a regular bar basic maths suggests I have eaten 7mars bars, 4snickers, at least 12 milky ways and a huge, cinema sized bar of galaxy)
Tuesday I didn't leave the house at all, not even to put rubbish out or feed the birds. It's been lovely, and cosy, and relaxing; the kind of space rarely found in my busily modern do-it-all life. Now the freaky dreams have started (waiting two hours whilst my old music teacher loads an elf train onto the school bus and I can't ring for a lift home because the school's 'beautiful people' have my phone charger?!) a clear sign its time for fruit, water (that hasn't been turned into wine) and to actually leave the house and do exercise (I know, its a day early to be talking about this).
I'm not planning 'resolutions'. Many many years ago my resolution was not to make resolutions any more, and its the only one I've ever kept. The creative dreaming is a wake up call that its time to get back to normal. Like the lovely March sisters I need structure, I revel in it. I love to plan and organise, in fact it does me good to practice going with the flow for a while. But "you gotta have a plan" so this morning I got up, had a healthy breakfast, did some house work and am now being productive (yes, blogging counts). Hopefully it'll be enough to make the dreams stop.
Bandwaggony post about 2010/2011 to come, in which I break down the five year plan (garden, not world domination, worry not). Bet you're wondering already, there'll be pictures!