Thursday, 24 February 2011

Home improvement

Our house is a work in progress, I suspect it may always be. The latest thing to get sorted was the boiler cupboard. It's where the hot water tank used to be and where the combi boiler is now. Since the new bolier is smaller than the tank there's a handy space next to it. A handy, warm space and all the towels are uncomfortably crammed into an old dresser left by the previous owner. Add these two facts together with my DIY skills (less laughing please) and with only a few swear words you can transform this...

Into this...

The 'after' picture makes me very happy. Especially as I didn't hit my own hand with the hammer at all.

Saturday, 19 February 2011


So this weekend Hubster and I are house sitting for my parents, as they are away. The main jobs they've asked us to are empty the overflow from the boiler and collect post. I've taken it upon myself to sort through the 'childhood' things I still have here and decide what to do with them.

Even though I technically moved out quite a while ago (multiple years; quick way to make myself feel old and lost in the world - neither of which is true) I still have a lot of stuff here. A lot of it is tat, left over bits I didnt get round to sorting out and have crammed under the bed and studiously ignored every visit home. There are also some important things and I want to make sure they are properly kept and looked after.

The problem is that my parents have decided to Clear Out. The capitalisation is justified. My parents have a LOT of stuff. They are not quite pathological horders that people write into newspaper columns about, but the house is full and disorganised. They would probably both be really hurt if they ever read that, despite the fact that I'm not saying it as a reflection on them or their lifestyle at all. Simply that there are a lot of objects in this house.

So to ensure that I am able to keep the little momentos I'd like to without worrying that they might get caught up in an overzealous trip to the charity shop I'm collecting them together. My parents would never deliberately get rid of anything important to me, but they may not realise that a scratty notebook, or otherwise nondescript small ornament, coin, ticket stub or trinket was/is incredibly meaningful to me (or my 15 year old self).

What treasured things do any of you have from your childhood? or what do you wish you'd been able to keep?

As a teeneager, far too focused on the idea of being 'grown up' I got rid of nearly all my childhood books. I still regret it, as I'd love to re-read all the Nancy Drew, Linda Craig and other random stories I used to lose myself in. It's hard to get many of them anymore, and some I don't remember the titles of, although I remember loving the stories. It's a bit like remembering a story through fog and knowing you won't be able to make it any clearer.

That feeling of regret, of not being able to get something back, is something I fight against as I don't want to become a horder with a house full of things I don't use or appreciate. The (tricky) thing is to strike a balance, to support and treasure memories of where you've come from and who you've been without hampering the life you're leading now.

My treasured memories box is coming along quite well. Some old photos, postcards and notes, the shirt everyone signed the day I finished high school, a book my grandparents bought me and I always read when I visited them are already in there.

I'm having a cup of tea at the moment, then I'll work up the courage to go under the bed and start pulling out boxes to see what else I'll find.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Saturday is CATurday

We're getting a cat! The lady from the Cat Protection League has just been to do the home check and we're going to collect her (the cat, not the lady) on saturday.

"Baby" is an almost minature all black cat of timid but affectionate nature who found the children at her old house a bit too scary to cope with. She is now also the focus of a rebranding exercise. Although no one will be allowed to put her in a corner I can't face shouting "baby" out of the back door to call her in at night. New name suggestions warmly welcomed.

Other exciting things this week include the day off that Hubster and I have booked on Friday. We're going to see Holst's Planets being performed by the Liverpool Philarmonic Thursday evening, staying over and then hopefully we'll explore the new history/art installations in Liverpool on Friday.

Focusing on the exciting happy things is helpful at the moment, because the January blues have caught up with me. I'm in a funk of seeing the negative, lacking energy and worrying. It's not an all encompassing funk, but it is making it harder to get out of bed and seem keen about day to day things. I seem to have a habit of over-faking it as well, which means I end up being a little too loud, a little too enthusiastic and laughing a little too quickly and long in an attempt to be 'perky'. There's a lot to be said for suggestions like "act how you want to feel"; I've decided to practice reigning it in a bit if the feeling isn't following though.

Friday, 11 February 2011

Friday; the week that was

All week I have been battling a cold, the lurgi has not been victorious but it has meant that important things have been taking longer (like thinking and breathing). It's been a busy week too, as we've been out twice, both on work nights (!).

Wednesday eve Hubster and I went out for tea and he played catch up when we saw Black swan together. He was as impressed and unsettled as I was when I first saw it. The film does stand up to a second viewing, especially as I knew which bits to keep my eyes closed for!

Then last night we went to see Megson play in a nearby town. Yay for contempory folk music and all it's harmonious depth. Our seats were on the very very front row, in a small studio space so it felt a ltitle bit up close and personal. I found it interesting to watch Mr Megson's fingers whilst he was playing all the complicated chords and to try and hear the changes, but wasn't quite sure where else to look since it felt they were looking right back at me. They have been nominated for the Spiral Earth folk awards that are decided by public vote, so if you like what you hear click along to help them out.

Tonight's plan is chilling like ice cream filling before a weekend of house sorting and meeting a friend for lunch on saturday for a catch up. I've been feeling creative stirrings with the brighter evenings so there may be something going on, if I can sort out the back room enough to get into it.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011


Today I am grateful for ...
Little signs of spring. It's not sprung yet but there are starting to be hints. The last few evenings I've been home from work before the sky got dark, there are a few shoots bravely shooting up, somehow the breeze (and its been *breezy* the last few days)has felt more alive. To top it off tho, and really make me smile, on the way home tonight I saw a bed of crocuses yellow at the top.

I'm also grateful for little treats that brighten my day and take my mind off the current culture of doom and gloom. Tonight us old episodes of glee, homemade curry and a bubbly lush bath.

As always I'm grateful (so so grateful) that I have friends who really, truly understand and support me, and that we are able to meet up despite the evils of geography and modern life.

Bath's ready, so I'm off to revel in it!

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Things I Love Thursday

It's time to TiLt!

the biggest thing I'm loving right now is that I'm not going to work tomorrow. It may seem small and petty in the grand scheme of things, but it's made me feel lighter and relaxed already.

Other things I've been loving include...
getting the new bathroom arranged
getting on top of a huge to do list
chocolate muffin treat
hubster being home early from overtime
snuggling in the warm living room whilst the wind whistles outside
feeling smart in a new outfit
clearing out piles of junk to charity (off my mind, out of my space and hopefully useful to someone else)
lunchtime texts from friends
daffoldil shoots in the garden