Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Saturday is CATurday

We're getting a cat! The lady from the Cat Protection League has just been to do the home check and we're going to collect her (the cat, not the lady) on saturday.

"Baby" is an almost minature all black cat of timid but affectionate nature who found the children at her old house a bit too scary to cope with. She is now also the focus of a rebranding exercise. Although no one will be allowed to put her in a corner I can't face shouting "baby" out of the back door to call her in at night. New name suggestions warmly welcomed.

Other exciting things this week include the day off that Hubster and I have booked on Friday. We're going to see Holst's Planets being performed by the Liverpool Philarmonic Thursday evening, staying over and then hopefully we'll explore the new history/art installations in Liverpool on Friday.

Focusing on the exciting happy things is helpful at the moment, because the January blues have caught up with me. I'm in a funk of seeing the negative, lacking energy and worrying. It's not an all encompassing funk, but it is making it harder to get out of bed and seem keen about day to day things. I seem to have a habit of over-faking it as well, which means I end up being a little too loud, a little too enthusiastic and laughing a little too quickly and long in an attempt to be 'perky'. There's a lot to be said for suggestions like "act how you want to feel"; I've decided to practice reigning it in a bit if the feeling isn't following though.


  1. hugs! i am sorry you're feeling blue :(
    but but cat!! and cultural weekend of awesome! :) happy things yay!
    love you xxx

  2. ps make sure you're getting all your vitamins/minerals/plenty sleep...and upping your chocolate intake can't hurt either ;) xxx
