Friday, 11 February 2011

Friday; the week that was

All week I have been battling a cold, the lurgi has not been victorious but it has meant that important things have been taking longer (like thinking and breathing). It's been a busy week too, as we've been out twice, both on work nights (!).

Wednesday eve Hubster and I went out for tea and he played catch up when we saw Black swan together. He was as impressed and unsettled as I was when I first saw it. The film does stand up to a second viewing, especially as I knew which bits to keep my eyes closed for!

Then last night we went to see Megson play in a nearby town. Yay for contempory folk music and all it's harmonious depth. Our seats were on the very very front row, in a small studio space so it felt a ltitle bit up close and personal. I found it interesting to watch Mr Megson's fingers whilst he was playing all the complicated chords and to try and hear the changes, but wasn't quite sure where else to look since it felt they were looking right back at me. They have been nominated for the Spiral Earth folk awards that are decided by public vote, so if you like what you hear click along to help them out.

Tonight's plan is chilling like ice cream filling before a weekend of house sorting and meeting a friend for lunch on saturday for a catch up. I've been feeling creative stirrings with the brighter evenings so there may be something going on, if I can sort out the back room enough to get into it.

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