Things I Love Thursday
It's that time of the week again peoples. What has been rocking your world this week?
I've come across a lovely, inspirational website via a new-ish friend. The author over at Redamancy Lit injects a little burst of reflection and creative-thoughtfulness into my reader list nowadays.

Also, bubbles! Apologies for coming over all minor Nemo character on you but what is not to like? (rhetorical question, obviously the answer is "nothing, they're all round great")
The Shawshank Redemption. Short story genius turned into cinematic genius. If you haven't it!
and, as always, tea! regular run of the mill black tea warm with milk in, peppermint in all its refreshing perkiness, earl grey for sunday morning relaxing... tea, tea, tea, the way drinking should be.
Here's to another week with little flashes of inspiration to brighten your days x
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