Sunday, 28 March 2010

Acheivement list

simply to make me feel good about all the stuff I have been doing since 6pm last night.

  • bought new car insurance
  • planned budget for the house
  • planned budget for myself
  • organised the finances, money moved to the right places
  • paid the phone bill
  • updated the meter readings
  • finally sorted out the living room, no more boxes!
  • cleaned the bathroom
  • tidied the hall, no more boxes!
  • hoovered the hall, bathroom and living room
  • washed the dishes
  • finalised the invite address list - watch the letter box people, they're on their way
  • sorted out the towels - sounds daft but they're all muddled up (hand, bath, dish etc) and it's been driving me nuts
  • watched, and thoroughly enjoyed 'The Wedding Singer'
  • slept for 7 hours
  • remembered to move the clocks forward (except the timer switch, which won't let me do it, and it made my head hurt trying to work out how/if I needed to change the settings to make it fake-right)
  • taken A for a lovely walk round Dunham Massey to see the spring flowers (so many, so pretty. We also saw several birds and other bits of nature).
  • made a picnic lunch for the walk (in case you were wondering, yes it is still a bit early&cold to sit still outside)
Plan for the evening, cos I'm on a getting things done roll...
  • make biscuits
  • sort out the bedding - there are full sets that match in there somewhere I'm sure
  • watch Glee
  • iron something to wear for work tomorrow
  • have dinner
  • drink wine
  • bath
  • sleep
The house is gradually getting more sorted, only two rooms are full of boxes now. The back bedroom (eventually to be known as the library, but it needs more input before it's worthy of the title) has a path pushed through to the computer and the radiator (to dry clothes). The small bedroom is pretty much a wall of boxes still. All the books seem to be in there, and an empty bookcase in the back bedroom...typical moving logic.

We also need a filing system. My giant gift bag full of 'important things' is no longer up to the task. Unfortunately there isn't enough space to spread the papers out to sort them out, so the chaos continues for now.

But first, biscuits (and tea, of course)

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